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The other people

it's getting there. right now the only person I'm missing is Dorothy Catalonia (due to complete lack of a good pic)

Relena Peacecraft

She's the teenage leader of the sank kingdom, and (in my opinion) the most annoying person on the show (me being biased again) Relena was raised by vice foreign minister Darlian (lady une killed him), but when he was on his deathbed, he revealed to her that she wasn't really his kid, and she was really the heir of king Peacecraft of the sank kingdom, meaning that she's the new leader of the pacifist nation. At the begining of the series, Heero Yui swore to kill her, but unfortunately he never got around to it, probrably because he sorta fell in love with her. wuss.

Lucrezia Noin

She was formerly an oz pilot (a really good one), and is a friend of Zechs Merquise; they went to military school together and were both really good students. ( she has like a crush on zechs) Later on she starts to become more involved with the sank kingdom and becomes one of their imperial guards, who hangs out with Relena a lot ( how she puts up with Relena, i don't know)

Lady Une

She's sorta confusing b/c her defining trait is her split personality. When she puts her hair up and wears glasses, she's a cold-blooded killing machine who shows no mercy whatsoever, but when she lets her hair down and doesn't wear the glasses she's like a hippie child or something. She works for oz and is really close with Trieze Khushrenada ( as in like, they're a couple). It's really confusing wether she's good or evil, b/c she seems to really enjoy killing people, but then she rescues the gundam pilots from certain anahilation. And then she gets shot, but wasn't really dead, just in a coma and she comes back somewhere around episode ?45? steals gundam 01 and saves Trieze's ass.

Hilde Schibecker

Former Oz soldier, but not much else is really known about her history. She's perhaps best known for being Duo's girlfriend.

Sally Po

She's like part chinese and it's been said she has a thing for WuFei (:P i personally think she could SO do better!)

Trieze Khushrenada

Trieze was the charismatic (and HOT ) leader of oz, but later on started to disagree with their descision to use mobile dolls (unmanned units) in battle. (although many thought he was a heartless creep bent on world domination at the expense of a butload of other soldiers, he truly cared about all the people that fought for him and stuff.) So anyway, he and all the oz people that were loyal to him broke away and formed the Trieze faction, which ended up trying to become sort of an ally of the gundam pilots. ( you getting confused yet?) He also built the gundam Epyon. And (if u haven't seen the whole series, stop reading NOW!!!) although he sided with the gundam pilots in the final battle, WuFei killed him anyway!!! (which is why I really hate WuFei!!!!{integrity my ass!})

Zechs Merquise (a.k.a Milliardo Peacecraft)

Zechs/Milliardo is really Relena's older brother. (who needs a haircut REEELY badly!) He had a sorta romanitc thing going on with Noin. Although he was in Oz, he was the pilot of the gundam Tallgeese. Later on in the series he becomes the leader of the White Fang organization, which is a weird bunch of colony people bent on destroying the earth. (and the gundam pilots, and everything else that pisses him off) but of cousr, he gets his but kicked by the gundam pilots. (when r these people gonna learn that pissing off the gundam boys just doesn't pay?)