I know what you did in After colony 194... Once upon a time, it was a dark and stormy night. Duo was driving Noin, Quatre, WuFei, Lady Une, Heero, Zechs, Hilde, Trowa, and Relena home from a crazy frat party. " i'm like TOTALLY dot nunk guys you!!! " Relena insisted as Noin tried to pry the bottle of Jack Daniels from her grasp. " hey, Zechs, is there any beer left?" duo shouted from the front seat. As he reaches back to grab the beer, they all hear a sickening thud. "SOTP THE CAR!!!!!!!" shouted hilde. So they all jumped out into the storm to see what had happened... "oh my god!, THEY KILLED DOROTHY!! YOU BASTARD!!!" shouted Quatre. " WHat are we gonna do??? THis is your fault, duo!" yelled Trowa. But then the realization hit them that nobody saw them...So all of them agreed upon dumping the remains in the ocean. "WE have to promise to keep this a secret." said heero, in the usual solemn tone. " it's ok, nobody liked her anyway." said duo. "Right, as unjust as it is, we can't tell anyone." replied WuFei. ANd so they all got back in the car ( which was a VW bug, just to make it interesting. cramming that many people in there ) and drove off as if nothing had happened... Until... one year later... " Happy haloween you guys, i'm so glad you could make it!" shouted relena as everyone walked into her house. All the same people that were in the car that fateful night. ANd as they enter the house RElena yells "HEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRROOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" causing everyone to jump. " you're dripping wet! I forgot it's like, raining. could everyone leave the wet coats in the bathroom." she said. WHile they're all trooping upstairs to leave the coats to dry, Lady Une pulls Relena aside. "there's somehting important i need to tell you." she said sounding all serious. "what is it" relena replied sounding scared. "we rented Scream I, II and III, urban legend, and Psyco on the way over here. which one are we gonna watch.?" "hey, Relena, did you lock the doors and stuff?" Quatre asked in the middle of whatching Psyco. To which relena replied, " on a dark and stormy night in the ghettoest neighborhood in town? Naw. why bother. it's still a safe neighborhood." WHile everyone was thinking to themselves what a dumbass relena was, WuFei excused himself to go in the kitchen for another can of beer. THis proved to be a deadly mistake. As he opened the fridge, he saw written in blood on the door " i know what you did in after colony 194." and muttered to himself " yea, nice one Duo." but as he turned around he found himself face to face with a guy dressed in those black robes with a richard nixon mask, weilding a knife. let's just cut to the obvious. WuFei does not live through this fic. but as in all slasher stories or whatever , no matter how many people are nearby, the killer's victim is never heard screaming, whether the do or don't. anyway, back in the living room, everyone else is still watching Psyco, but while making stupid commentary, a-la mystery science theatre. " Perhaps relena shouldn't see the gory shower scene coming up." Zechs commented. "Yes, and she IS up waaaay past her bedtime" added NOin. RElena of course gives both of them dirty looks. "Heeeeeeeeroooooo!!!!! This movie is boring and they're being mean to me! Can we go off somewhere and, uh...YOu KNOW..." relena whined. Annoying as she is, Hero agrees. But As ANYONE would know from slasher movies, couples that go off somewhere to make out, almost ALWAYS meet horrible gory ends... So mid-makeout, heero and relena meet up with the 'richard nixon killer' as i will call him. Relena gets beheadded, heero just gets stabbed. THe people downstairs hear them screaming but..."Must they be so loud while doing the nasty, i mean GOD!!!!!" duo said in disgust. SO the remaining people in the house go on watching movies, not knowing that the richard nixon killer is loose in that very house...Until... " hey, you guys, we're out of popcorn! and all the other junk food we had." Quatre announced. So Lady Une and Noin agree to go in the kitchen and get more food. As they walk in and flip on the light switch, the people inside watching Urban Legend hear a deafening scream and all come running. "We can't be out of popcorn!" yelled Quatre, " Must be a bug or something" said Trowa as they ran into the kitchen and were greeted by the sight of WuFei's mangled Corpse, and Lady Une and Noin spazzing out. " Holy SHit! He's dead...ANd we're out of beer!" yelled Zechs. And then the phone rings. Lady Une picks it up and starts ranting "I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!! HE's Dead in the kitchen callthecopsNOW ahhhhhhh we're all gonnadie!!" the voice on the other end simply replied in a calm, raspy tone "hellllllo Lady. do you like scary movies???" and then went dead. "it's dead." She said to the others as she finally regained her composure. "we need to all stick together. and be sure to keep the lights on." Trowa said in a calm voice. Almost immediately the lights went out. " you were saying, Trowa? " said Hilde "anyway, we need to get our sorry butts out of this house if we want to live.Let's just all go to a motel and call the cops from there" she continued. So naturally all agree, and they head for the door. And are surprised when it won't open. " WHat the hell??? THey only lock from the outside??? Relena you idiot!!!" said zechs. " oh crap, we're doomed. " muttered Quatre. " I'm going back in the kitchen. i want to have a big sharp knife on hand." said Lady Une for no apparent reason. So she goes back in the kitchen and yells, "hey, you guys, check this out!!!" and they all come running. and THEN everyone notices the cryptic message on the fridge. ' I know what you did in after colony 194' "What did we do in a.c. 194??? i don't remember doing..." duo started to say. " But nobody saw us. it was a dark, stormy night, like tonight. AND it was the middle of nowhere." said Noin. But someone had seen them, and that person was the Richard Nixon killer. "did you guys not see the windows?" asked Lady Une. " hey yea, we can climb out the windows! DUH!" said Quatre. So everyone jumped out the 1st story window and crammed in the pick up truck that was parked in the driveway and drove off thinking their ordeal was over. Need i remind you that it was a PICKUP TRUCK. so all the people are squashed in the cab driving to safety, when all of a sudden, in a flash of lightning, you see the Killer silhouetted against the sky, standing in the bed of the pickup, knife raised and ready to kill < excuse me, if it's on Cartoon Network, DESTROY > the remaining people. But of Course, about all that gets destroyed is the back window of the truck, because Trowa starts swerving the car all over the place to try and knock the killer off. "whew, that was close." muttered lady une. And immediately afterward, they arrive at the BATES MOTEL. "This looks like an ok place to stay." said Hilde. so they all agree and get out of the car to pay norman bates a visit, and decide to stay the night. Noin and Zechs room together, as do Duo and Hilde, and Trowa and Quatre. Lady Une gets a room to herself. So anyway, they all go into Duo and HIlde's room to call the cops about what happened at relena's house. The police send people there, and also send some police to the Bates motel, who are supposed to arrive in an hour. "It's been a long, freaky night. how bout we all go to our rooms for some downtime before the cops get here." suggested Noin. So they do. ZEchs and Noin go to their motel room and close the door. THey flip the light swich and are faced with the richard nixon killer, who has picked up a chainsaw. He promptly kills them both. Duo and Hilde, who are nexdoor are watching the rest of Urban Legend, and assume the screaming was coming from Quatre and Trowa, who were watching friday the 13th in the next room over. Quatre and Trowa hear the screaming and assume that Duo and Hilde are getting it on. Lady Une just expects it to be one of the two situations. Meanwhile in Duo and Hilde's Room..."It's been a rough night. YOu wanna cuddle?" asked hilde. Duo, who is expecting to do more than cuddle, promptly agrees. Neither one of them realizes that the Richard Nixon killer has gotten in through the bathroom window until it's too late. Of course, people that hear the screaming figure that it's just the them doing it. "Quatre, I hate telletubbies!" trowa complained. "i'm gonna go shower." he added "ok, just don't take too long. I gotta shower too!" replied Quatre who was still sort of annoyed that Trowa refused to watch telletubbies. "he has NO taste in good tv whatsoever." Quatre muttered to himself as he started flipping channels."Hey Trowa! Tenchi Muyo is coming on!" he shouted. There was no reply, so he got up and knocked on the bathroom door. "Trowa! Tenchi's coming on!" when he still got no answer, he started throwing himself at the door. When that didn't work, he tried the doorknob. It was unlocked, so he went in the bathroom. "Trowa, it's me, i'm sorry i just left my toothbrush..." he started to say, but then he saw the blood all over the floor and knew Trowa had probrably been stabbed. " NOooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO!!!!" he yelled in despair as he ran down the hall to duo and hilde's room and burst in the door. He was of course immediately greeted by the sight of blody disembowled corpses. "aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" he yelled as he ran to everyone elses rooms to find the same thing. So he continued down the hall and busts into Lady Une's room. "Lady Une!!!!! HE"S DEAD!!! THEY KILLED TROWA, and everyone else!!!!!! screamed Quatre. Upon REalizing that she wasn't in the room, he ran to the bathroom, where he was greeted by lady une in the shower right in the middle of singing an off-key rendition of 'Tainted Love'. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Quatre, What the hell are you doing here?!?!?!?!" she yelled in surprised. To which Quatre replied " TROWA"S DEAD!!!". "What!!!!??!??!?!?!??!???" Lady Une yelled. " oh god..ok, um, well, the cops will be here any minute. try to calm down. go in my room and watch sailor moon or something. There's a gun in my purse. use it if you have to. In the meantime, i have to shower, please excuse me." she said, obviously still shaken. Quatre left the bathroom and sat down to watch telletubbies and left lady une to her shower until he heard a nock at the door and a polite voice yell " room service!" so he opened it. BAD MOVE. Quatre doesnt live through this fic either. In fact he dies a horrible bloody gory death. THe Killer moved on to the bathroom, knife raised for the kill. But what he wasn't counting on... While walking towards the bathroom door he also saw the little old lady that owned the motel doing the same, also weilding a large knife. " HUH???" said the richard nixon killer. But neither one of them seemed to care too much. One of them was about to kill Lady Une...Or so they thought. She heard the door creak open and absently yelled " Quatre, is that you again?" but then she saw them, knives in hand. " you don't honestly think i'm that stupid." she said cooly as she picked up a huge butcher knife and threw it at mrs. bates, killing her immediately. "sweet god, am i the ONLY trained assasin that can defend herself?" she asked rhetorically.Richard Nixon Lunged foward, landing in the shower. She Promptly tackled him and pinned him to the floor. " now let's see who you REALLY are" she muttered as she pulled off the rubber richard nixon mask. "HOLY CRAP!!!!!! IT's .... TREIZE?????? "I am not a crook!" treize yelled. "Then why'd you kill them?" Lady Une asked him as she grabbed the knife she'd thrown at mrs bates. " Two reasons, actually. THe main one being because you all killed my cousin Dorothy. the second one being because, I'm not who you think i am." He replied. " you look like Treize to me." Lady une said as she raised the knife. " Actually, I'm really his evil twin. But that doesn't really matter, because i'm still going to destroy you anyway. Muaaaaahhhhaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaa!!!!" he said as he freed himself from her grasp and pinned her to the ground and raised the knife. <"I guess this is it."> lady une thought to herself as she closed her eyes expecting to get stabbed. ANd then a bunch of cops burst into the room and yell "FREEZE! YOU are under arrest for murder. you have the right to remain silent. anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..." "AW SH*t!" Yelled the killer as he was dragged off by the cops. "you look like you could use some donuts and coffe" one officer said to lady une as he helped her up. " yes, i guess you're right. it's been a freaky night." she said as they left the motel.